So, funny thing - coming from a former teacher and someone who loved school and learning - the top thing I've learned that school won't teach you is that if you aren't learning and growing - it is only your own fault. Sure, there are exceptions and special circumstances, but for myself especially, this statement is beyond accurate!
In school, I received straight A's in K-12 and only 1 B in college (advanced honors English freshman year while taking 18 credits including a 300-level Russian Lit class - not sure what I was thinking there). Yet, when I look back at my education, I remember very little of what was "taught" to me - and in large part that is my own fault. I have known since I was very young that I am smart and that I can easily do things that are difficult for many other students and that I could sort of breeze through school using minimal effort - so I did. I did what was expected of me and I did it well, but I didn't exert myself or do my best pretty much ever. Therefore, I skimmed textbooks to get enough information for the test - I wrote papers last minute - I still have no concept of how one actually studies! And I have a master's degree for crying out loud!
For a long time, I blamed my teachers for not recognizing me or pushing me with more challenging work (as early as 6th grade - my "challenge" was that I was allowed to teach myself math in a side room instead of being forced to sit in class and participate) - yet now, as an adult I see that the drive to learn and grow needs to come from me. I need look for those challenges - I need to apply myself to actually learn and remember the things that I want to know - it isn't about a grade or meeting expectations of others (I know I can do that) it is about meeting my own potential, whether that is above or below any one else's standards!
This is the thing that I most want to instil in my children - that you are as great as you want to be, meeting or exceeding is not always what it is all about - it is about doing and being your best! I don't want my children to be afraid to shine or to stumble - I don't want them to blend into the pack - I want them to embrace who they are and who God made them to be and take responsibility for their own learning and growth - sure I will help guide and support and challenge them - and I will ensure that they have others in their lives to do the same, but true motivation for anything has to come from within - and I want them to have that drive to reach their greatest potential - and I don't want them to have to be adults before they learn that! It isn't up to others to teach you - it's up to you to have a teachable heart and to be open to learning and growing in all circumstances!