Hey little boy,
This last month has been crazy and I was supposed to post an update on you when you turned 21 months on May 1st, but I didn't get it done, so instead this is a little bit of a longer update and covers the time before and after you turned 21 months! I'm posting this at the end of May and we'll see when we post your 22 month update - since, I'm not sure when your brother is coming and I don't want to miss this for you again - it might work better to do your update for the month at the end of the month though instead of when you first change months! Either way doesn't matter much because you are ALMOST TWO! Then I'll probably update on your changes every 6 months after that! I can't believe you are already such a big kid!
1st Big Ouch! |
You are still thoroughly in love with your binky, Elmo, giraffe, puppy (that Gpa got you), and all things truck/car/train/hel-cop-ter/dig-gur! If it goes - you love it! You even insist on sleeping with your trains and cars and your "new" airplane! It's so cute seeing you snuggled up with all these hard toys - it can't be very comfortable! This month, you got your first BIG ouchie - and went to the ER to get checked out after you fell looking at a helicopter! We were really worried that it would affect your love of vehicles and then a few days later we took you to a local "touch a truck" type event with all kinds of vehicles - and you were really scared at first and kept crying and telling us "ow" "ouchies" - but by the time we left that afternoon you were loving it again and realized that you were safe, you just had to be "care-fle" - when you say it is sounds a lot like waffle! :)
You love to "drive" and now you always want the keys & want to sit in the front seat - sorry dude - it's going to be a while! |

I finally got your name up on the wall, since your ABC decals were falling down! I love how it looks over your bed and you love repeating your name and "spelling" it with mommy! You do a great job repeating and touching each letter and you are so proud when we finish your name! You also know that the baby in mommy's tummy is named Noah! Your language has really exploded this month and you are talking soo much! You almost always use 3 word sentences and you are getting really good at explaining yourself when we don't know what you want. You still get frustrated, but you try much harder to explain yourself before you give up! Mommy is super proud of how well you are talking and communicating with us and other people! We have even had some other moms talking about what a great job you do talking! You say pretty much anything that you want to and you learn lots of new words every day - mommy and daddy have to be careful, because we think sometimes we are saying things sarcastically and you pick up on our conversation and then misunderstand what words mean and then when you use words and slightly mispronounce them we have no idea what you are talking about, but you insist that you are right! The only wrong/baby word you use consistently for anything is that you still insist that your Grandma Deb is really "grampa." Once or twice you have accidentally said "gramma," but then you quickly correct yourself and change it back to "grampa" - no matter how many times we correct you! You have also continue to be super sweet and super polite - you say "tank you," "you we-gum," "peaze," "lub you" all the time now, often without any prompting at all!

You've been doing a great job dealing with all of mommy's doctor's appointment and all of the baby prep that is going on in our house - you have been getting into all the baby stuff and exploring it - since it was all once yours - but once you see that it's ok for you to explore you, you've lost interest and gone back to your big kid stuff! I think that is going to be the best way to help you cope with all of these changes - you can check out the baby stuff, but you are smart enough to know that you don't really want it! You are getting to be more and more of a big boy every day! You still love snuggling and cuddling up with mommy and daddy, but you are also doing a great job exploring and playing by yourself! Since the weather took so long to get nice, you missed out on a lot of playing outside, but now that it is warm you always want to be "ow-si" and want to go the the "pla-grow" pretty much every day! When mommy started getting high blood pressure, you did a great job cuddling up on the couch with me for most of the day and then playing crazy with daddy at night, but now that I have been taking medicine and feeling a little bit better - Mommy has been trying to make sure we get you outside more during the day too! Especially since at the end of May daddy was on call almost every other day since there were some conferences other people had to go to! You are still working on going in the potty, but we aren't really pushing it - you just go when you feel like it - we have lots of time to worry about that big boy stuff and not much more time that you get to be my little guy!

Love you soo, soo much!
I can't wait to see what June has in store for us when you are 22 months old and I finally get to see what a great big brother you are going to be!
Love you, Mom