Friday, May 24, 2013

Blog Every Day in May: Day 24

Challenge Day 24: Your top 3 worst traits

So, over the course of the last year I've actually learned a lot more about my three worst traits and how they are actually all related to one another! Each one feeds the others and deepens the problem. I actually wouldn't have claimed the trait that is currently third on my list, but as I've learned more about my top to worst traits - I've learned that they really are all related. Hopefully, the next step will be to do away with them!

So, without further ado, my three worst traits are:
1. Perfectionism
2. Procrastination
3. Pride 

Like I said, until recently, I never would have considered myself a prideful person. I have always known that I was a perfectionist and that I had impossibly high standards for myself - and that it was far easier to forgive others for being human and thus "not perfect" than it was to forgive myself for the same. I always associated this perfectionism with insecurity - rather than pride, but I'm beginning to see the connection. This blog post does a great job of summarizing the Beth Moore book/teaching that I was exposed to this Spring (I really should pick up that book). As for the other traits, it was only this year, that I was shown the connection between my perfectionism problem and my issues with procrastination! I never associated these two traits (in fact, I often wondered how I could actually be both since they seemed so conflicting and counter-intuitive) until I read this post and all of a sudden it all clicked! I often put things off either until I have more time to do a better job, or until I know that I will be capable of doing it well perfectly. This often means that things are done last minute and not done nearly as well as they could have and should have been done, but I always have the excuse that it was done under a time crunch and therefore it shouldn't reflect my actual abilities!

This is getting all ramble-y and I'm probably not making much sense anymore - so I'm heading off to bed! But tell me I'm not the only procrastinating perfectionist out there?! Anyone else? What do you think - is it a pride thing? That one was a bit of a gut check for me when I first heard it...still is actually! Thankfully, I don't have to be perfect, because I have a perfect Heavenly Father - and He will always care for me - and He is made strong in my weakness! I just have to get a little better at accepting that in practice and not just in theory!

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