Owen has a new favorite song and he has let it be know as he constantly requests "le ih shi" and sings along each time you repeat the line. This kid is always amazing me in new and exciting ways.

Today, he is 19 months old and saying about 120 words on his own (not repeating - probably about 200 that he'll repeat) and he's often starting to use 2 words sentences - even with the pronoun "I" like "I tuck (stuck)" or "I bonk" - which he says regularly while whacking himself in the head - silly boy. He's also starting to use a few adjectives and pointing out some body parts (consistently eyes, but sometimes ears, nose, head, and mouth) but he doesn't like to play the body parts game much - he's much rather be climbing or running or being silly. But he also loves to be cozy too, cuddle up with blankets to watch "trucks" (Mater's Tall Tales) or Backyardigans which he still loves or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and occasionally Sesame Street since he loves Elmo, but he does not like Abby's Flying Fairy School and always makes me fast-forward it.

Owen is still a big guy and was 80th percentile for height and 90th for weight at his 18 month checkup - not chubby at all, but just an all around big kid - although he does have a super cute little toddler belly!

He's starting to understand more about daddy being on call, where before he would just start to get fussy on call evenings without really being consolable or understanding, but now you can tell him that "daddy has to sleep in the hospital today" and he seems to get it and calm down. It doesn't stop him from asking for "da-Dee" ten times a day, but it does stop the fits when daddy doesn't come. He is also starting to do really well with being dropped off in the nursery at church - sometimes we still have a little trouble, but most days he walks right in and plays happily! So thrilled and proud of my big boy! Last Sunday, we were actually planning to keep him with us since he was acting tired, but he pointed at the nursery and kept repeating "kihs, kihs (kids)" - so cute, and he went right in and played like crazy the whole time! It's amazing watching him develop this new-found independence!

I've been working really hard on making him (and future kiddos) a quiet book or busy book and I have a few more pages to go before I put things all together to make his first book (hoping to end up with 4 that get harder). I'm also working on getting everything together to start 2 year old homeschool preschool this August - hopefully if everything is ready it will be easier to stick to with a 2yo and 2mo. It's been amazing watching him learn the last 6 months and I can't wait to see where he goes with some more structure and guidance (working on moving towards some school-like play now so he'll be ready when the time comes). His attention span is already MUCH longer and he's really getting into reading books - he even repeated 3 letters the other day!

Each new step, I'm amazed that this is my kid and that he is growing and developing so well, but as proud as I am I still mourn just a little the baby he was. Every day he is bigger and needs me less (he uses forks and spoons by himself 80% of the time - he hardly lets me feed him - and that over there to the left is a 5 block tower) and he is becoming more of his own little person - and soon I'll have two clamoring for my attention - so right now I'm soaking up every snuggle and hug (he gives the BEST hugs or huggies as he calls them) and cuddle and kiss that I can get!
I love you, little man! And I am so proud to be your mommy and so glad that God has blessed us, so that I can stay home with you and watch you grow!