Sunday, March 3, 2013

5 minute "friday" (oops, I guess Sunday) - ordinary

Every week, lots of lovely ladies (and I believe a few gents too) gather up to just write for 5 minutes with no edits or redos or anything that usually binds them up and they are write about the same topic along with Lisa Jo Baker in this whole 5 Minute Friday thing. I'm linking up and giving it a try - not sure if I'll do it every week or just sporadically, but I think it's good practice to just let loose and not overthink this whole writing thing! (And I'm actually setting a timer this week because I went way over last time!)



Ordinary - it's funny, I spent so much of my life struggling with ordinary - with pressure to achieve and perform and be anything but ORDINARY - I had to be better, to be perfect, to be extraordinary. Yet, in other ways, I would shrink and hide and worry - and wish that I could just be like everyone else. To be a part of things.

That's the rub, to be extraordinary - you have to stand out - to stand apart, consecrated, separated.... different, alone.

God gave me a drive to push for greatness, yet I have often found myself mired in fear - allowing the devil to convince me that there is safety in "ordinary" that there is security in being a part of the crowd.

God has not called me to be ordinary, He has called me to be His own, and to stand apart from this world for HIM.


I feel like there was and is more, but that's not what this exercise is all about - so there it is - 5 minutes and 5 minutes alone.

Five Minute Friday


  1. Dear Jessica. The great news is that your Abba has made you extraordinary. You are a beautiful, uniquely Jessica representation of Him in this world. As you journey, I pray you discover the greatness He has already placed inside of you and may you come to see that even when you are going about the ordinary, He is doing extraordinary wonderful things in and through you! Thank you for your heart which loves and wants to shine for Him! Your message has blessed me today!

  2. Hi Jessica,
    Love your post and especially this:
    "God has not called me to be ordinary, He has called me to be His own, and to stand apart from this world for HIM."
    More Grace, Donna


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