Hey baby,

You scared your momma - and your daddy too, but we'll let him tell you about that his own way. Just after our trip to your Aunt G and Uncle J's wedding we had our anatomy scan and we walked into the room to talk with Dr. H not suspecting a thing - which is pretty big since daddy was staring holes into the screen during the scan. Dr. H told us that they had seen a bilateral choroid plexus cyst - basically a cyst in the middle part of your brain - and that this could be one of two things. It could just be an isolated cyst that would go away and mean nothing at all or it could be a sign if trisomy 18 - a big, bad scary chromosome disorder that would mean lots of things would be wrong with you and that you probably wouldn't live very long if you lived long enough to be born at all. Now, they didn't see any other signs of that big, bad disorder, but it was still a little whisper of the devil in mommy's ear that something could really be wrong with you and just about 2 months ago one of mommy's friends had a miscarriage and those two things worked together to get mommy really scared. I wish I could tell you that mommy was strong and brave and that she never worried for a second - but she wasn't - she cried and worried and didn't sleep very much. We didn't even know if you were a boy or a girl and we hadn't met you yet, but mommy already loved (and loves) you soo much and I was really scared that I might lose you and really scared that you might be hurt and that you might not get to have the amazing life I was already planning for you in my head.

The doctor told us that since we hadn't done any genetic tests earlier on that we could have a level 2 ultrasound to get a better look at you and that we could decide after that if we wanted to do some more tests to check you out. We decided to get a better look and 9 long days later - mommy and daddy went to see a special doctor and look at you some more. This was a much better day and the doctor told us that she didn't see the cysts anymore (we knew they would be gone, but that wouldn't change the worries about you) and that she didn't see anything else wrong with you that would make her think that you had trisomy 18 - but mommy and daddy forgot to tell her that we wanted it to be a surprise if you were a boy or a girl and that doctor wasn't very careful and mommy got a big peek at your little boy parts - I was a little disappointed that the surprise was spoiled, but I'm so excited to have another boy and for Owen to have a little brother - but whether you were a boy or a girl, mommy didn't care one bit - she was just soo happy to hear that you were okay and healthy and growing (she said at 23 weeks you were 1 pound and 5 ounces!).

Like I said, little boy, you are greatly loved and I'm sure in your lifetime you will figure out at least a few more ways to scare your mommy (I know your brother seems to find a way at least once a week) - but no matter what, mommy loves you and I'll always be here to take care of you. Together with our family and God - we can get through whatever scary times come our way and God will always protect us and help us to get through those times. We had already thought of what your name would probably be if you were a boy or if you were a girl, but after all of this, your name seemed even more perfect for you. You, my dear sweet boy, will be named Noah James. Noah means rest or comfort, which is exactly what we needed and thank God for every day - just like you (exactly what we needed and thank God for every day), and James is for your grandpa (daddy's dad). Owen's name was to honor my family and we wanted honor daddy's family with your name too. James means supplanter and we didn't really like the idea of naming you something that sounded kind of negative, but the more we thought of it - being our second child - you will be taking the place of another in some ways, you will be taking the place of baby and giving your brother the new role of big kid - it might be hard for both of you to get used to this, but I know that Owen will love you so much (he already gives you kisses in my belly) even if it is hard for him to see you taking the attention sometimes. So, little one, I'm telling you know and I'll tell you again - it's not okay to push your way in and take things that belong to others - you honor your grandpa with your middle name, but you need to embrace your first name and make that who you are - you are the one who provides rest and comfort. :)
Love you, Noah, to the moon and back!