Hey big kid,
You amaze me more and more each day and I can't wait to see you as a big brother. I know that you will love Noah so much - and that you already do, since you give me big smiles when we talk about baby Noah and you kiss my belly. I also know, that this is going to be hard for you. Mommy was the oldest kid and so was daddy, so we both have an idea of the position we are putting you in. There will be times that you want and need us and we will be busy with Noah and/or other baby brothers/sisters that you may have later - but I need you to know that nothing will ever change the love I have for you.

You, my owee - my firstborn, you made me a mommy. You made me into the person that I have always wanted to be and I can never thank you enough for that. You might drive me crazy sometimes, you might make messes on purpose, and beg for attention, and play too rough - but you love like crazy and that is amazing to see. Today when your girlfriend came over, you so sweetly were determined to feed her her bottle - I worried that you would try to steal it, but you didn't a single time, you just wanted to love on her and help take care if her. I know that sometimes you might get jealous and you might resent being the oldest and being the big kid, but I want you to always know in your heart that you were the one who taught my heart to love in a way that I never knew how before and that will never change - I will always love you like that and if you are ever feeling left out or like I'm not paying attention to you, please tell me, so we can fix it, because mommy never wants you or Noah or any other babies we have to feel unloved or unimportant - none of you will ever be second best to me - each and every one of you is a gift from God and so important to me in your own unique ways - and no one can or will ever replace you in my heart.
Jealous much? |
My time being just your mommy has been so precious to me, and you have helped me to grow in so many ways - you've taught me so much about love and patience and flexibility and not judging others (or myself) and you've made me a better mommy and a better person in more ways than you could possibly know.
I love every bit of you, always let your light shine!
Let your light shine! Never lose that joyful spirit! |