Sunday, August 4, 2013

Operation 9 Months Off - Week 1

Well, it's been one week since I shared where I am starting out postpartum and my goals for where I want to end up by next here - let's see how I did! 

Here's a reminder of the rewards I have planned for reaching weight loss goals:
Reach 0 point (post-Owen/pre-Noah weight): Get my eyebrows done
-5 pounds: Massage
-10 pounds: Manicure/pedicure
-20 pounds (pre-Owen weight): New woven wrap - a shortie 
-30 pounds: Haircut/color
-40 pounds: Overnight date/mini vacation 
-50 pounds (goal weight): New wardrobe (I'll need it!) 

How did I do this week:
Overall, not well at all! We left Wednesday morning when J was post-call to head up north to J's parent's house - then Thursday morning we ventured even further north to visit a lake and spend the weekend fishing and enjoying family cabin time for Owen's birthday! It was a great time, but long road trips don't really facilitate exercise or sticking to calorie goals (we decided to cheat and not count car snacks - because they are a necessity!) 

Activity Goals: 
1. Workout/video 3x/wk - FAIL - didn't do this a single time :(
2.  Run/walk 3x/wk - FAIL - didn't run a single time either
3. Stay under calorie goal 6x/wk PASS (sorta) - I was 350 calories over one day this week and under 6 days (except for car snacks one other day, but those don't count, right?!)
4. Reach 10,000 steps 4x/wk FAIL - 1/4 days
5. Reach 10 flights of stairs every day -  FAIL - 4/7 days
6. Drink 100oz of water/day - FAIL - 2/7 days - although 6 days I had over 48 oz which is fitbit's water goal

Waist (smallest point): 35" - +1/2in
Hips (largest point): 45" - +1/2in
Arms: 12" - same 
Thighs: 25" - same 
Chest: 41" - +1in
Weight: +9.7lb (54.7lbs from goal weight) - up 5 pounds since last week

Eek! Well, that's definitely not the direction that I wanted to see any of those numbers going - but it is reality and sometimes that happens as you figure this stuff out. All of these numbers were taken at 8 in the evening after eating and drinking all day - immediately after getting home from our lake trip - so I'm hoping the numbers are negatively inflated from travel and they'll be balanced back out by next week after a few normal days back at home with normal water intake and sleep, etc. 

xxfingers crossedxx that vacation bloat is all that this weight gain is - because even though my activity level was a little low (combined 20 hours in the car over 5 days) - and my water intake was low without my brita (relying on purchased water bottles in limited supply) - my calorie intake truly wasn't that bad! We'll see, after next week it may be time to pull out the big guns and sign up for weight watchers!
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