Things You Probably Never Wanted to Know About Me...
1. Do you like blue cheese? Not particularly, but I don't hate it either
2. Have you ever smoked a cigarette? Unfortunately, yes - I smoked fairly regularly from my senior year of high school - through college - mostly when socializing, but also alone as well - however, I never really got addicted like so many people do, and when I decided to stop - I just stopped - so I definitely praise the Lord for that! I know for many, many people (my brother included) it is not such an easy habit to break (although my brother did quit - yay - I just know it was very difficult)!
3.Do you own a gun? While I fully support the right to bear arms, and might someday want a gun for family protection - it just really scares me to have a gun in the house with small children - you hear too many horror stories of things going wrong when a child finds a gun.
4. What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic? Diet Coke with a little bit of regular cherry syrup - not the diet cherry - eww - and not just the amount they put in there on their own - that is overwhelmingly cherry-y
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Not really, although once these blood pressure issues started in my pregnancy with Noah and I kept getting sent over to labor and delivery for monitoring - I began to feel a little anxiety before my appointments!
6. Do you like hot-dogs? Yep, yummy - especially Costco hot dogs!
7. Favorite iPhone app? My new favorite is the SimplyUs app - it is an app that J and I both have that combines our calendars, has a shared to-do list and grocery list, and a chat feature. It is super cool to both have the shopping list at all times and to immediately know when something gets added to the calendar! Although the apps that eat up the most of my time are spider solitaire, facebook, instagram, and the Simpsons game - which are all great ways to waste time while nursing a newborn for hours each day! Oh, and Minion Rush :)
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Prefer? Well, if calories didn't exist let's go with milkshakes, java chip frappuccinos, and carmel macchiatos in the summer and hot chocolate and vanilla or peppermint mochas all winter! That said, in the mornings, I prefer to drink either k-cup coffee with flavored creamer and sweet n' low or Diet Coke. :( - boo for drinks having a million calories!
9. Can you do push-ups? Nope, but I'm getting better - I can do about 10-15 girly ones in a row now and a few weeks ago I could barely do 2 girly ones
10. What’s your favorite meal? Mexican Stroganoff! Mmm, mmm, good! Dang it, now I want some!
11. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? My wedding rings - but after that my origami owl locket - it has each of the boys birthstones and other little charms that are special to me and represent faith, love, and family!
12. Favorite hobby? Umm, what's a hobby? I'd really love to get back into reading and to devote more time to blogging, scrapbooking/Project Life, and crafting -- but time is elusive. Oh and photography too..man, do I miss hobbies!
13. Do you work with people who idolize you? Well, since my current job is momma to a toddler and a newborn and wife to Dr. J - I think I'm about as close as it gets
14. Name a trait that you hate about yourself? I'm lazy
15. Middle name? Anne
16. Name 3 thoughts at this moment: I should be sleeping, why can't I sleep when J is on call, if I'm not going to sleep there are many more important things I should be doing rather than this silly survey!
17. Name 3 things you bought yesterday: a frame, modge podge, fried chicken
18. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink: Diet Coke, Iced Carmel Macchiato, and Dr. Pepper Ten (and water, but that doesn't count)
19. Current worry right now? That I won't be able to lose the weight
20. Current hate right now? How fast time is passing
21. Favorite place to be? Anywhere with all my boys - scratch that, anywhere but the hospital with all of my boys - that wasn't much fun
22. How did you bring in New Years? Driving home from J's parents after Christmas 2
23. Favorite place to go? Home, always home
24. What is your most recurring dream? Don't remember many dreams, but during both pregnancies I had dreams about my teeth falling out - its supposed to mean that you are worried how you look or how you will perform in a new role...
25. Introvert or extrovert? Introvert - I can force myself out of it and I can be a leader and be social and all of that, but I draw my energy from alone time and small group or one-on-one connections. Large crowds exhaust me and give me stress - I'm seeing these same tendencies in Owen, he is not a fan of a crowd and often prefers playing alone or with me or in a small group rather than a crazy playdate with tons of kids
26. What color shirt are you wearing? Gray, with pink/red flowers
27. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Nope, slippery and sweaty - eww
28. Can you whistle? Sorta-kinda, not well
29. Favorite color? Blue - all shades
30. Would you be a pirate? We are the pirates who don't do anything...if Larry can do it so can I....please tell me somebody gets this reference?! .... No, just me, I'm the only nerd?
31. What songs do you sing in the shower? I have a two year old and two month old...my showers are not long enough to sing, and if the were it would probably be Old McDonald had a Farm or a the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse songs.
32. Favorite girl’s name? Rosalyn - but J doesn't like it
33. Favorite boy’s name? That's not fair - I have 3 boys! Umm, going with a name that I love but can't use for any of my own (because it's taken by BIL): Joshua - always wanted to name a boy Joshua - love the name and the man in the Bible (anyone else feel like calling them Bible characters makes it seem like we are calling the Bible fiction rather than history...maybe Bible figure? Not sure...)
34. Who is your loudest friend? My brother
35. What’s in your pocket right now? No pockets - but earlier today - two pacifiers (big and little), a package of fruit snacks, my phone, and my keys
36. Last thing that made you laugh? Owen - he makes me laugh all day every day
37. Bed sheets as a child? I had these pink striped sheets and comforter that looked like there was a dog laying on the bed on one side of the comforter and a cat laying on the bed on the other side - I loved them - there was also a fuzzy tan, pink, and blue blanket that my brother and I fought over as adults both claiming as our own (I won - it's currently in my linen closet, and I might have a pillowcase from that pink set somewhere too - I promise I'm not a hoarder - just sentimental)
38. Worst injury you’ve ever had? Hmm, I've had to have stitches a few times and been in a few car accidents that sent me to the chiropractor, but overall I have been very, very blessed with safety and haven't really had any major injuries! Praise The Lord!
39. Do you love where you live? Yea, I actually do - it took a while to feel like home, but now I love it here and I'll miss it when we leave
40. How many TVs are in your house? 2 - living room and master bedroom
41. What is your worst habit? Putting things off until the last minute
42. How many dogs do you have? 2 - Kailey and Wyatt
43. Does someone have a crush on you? Well, I'm pretty sure J has more than a crush on me, so probably no crushes...
44. Do you own slippers? Yep, SpongeBob slippers and slipper socks
45. What is your favorite childrens book? Oooh, that's too hard - way too many: The Giving Tree, Where the Sidewalk Ends, Oh the Thinks that you Can Think, A Little Princess, Goodnight Moon, anything Sandra Boynton - etcetera, etcetera, etcetera
46. What is your favorite candy? Caramello - hands down, but I also love Hershey's cookies and creme and their old mint and cookie candy bar was amazing - they should bring that back! (LOL, there is even a Facebook page about that candy bar)
47. What is your favorite sports team? Umm, uhh...whatever team J is cheering for ;)
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? Don't really care - I'm big on believing that the funeral is for the living - whatever my loved ones want to say/do/play/feel - it's up to them to remember me however best helps them cope and grieve - I'm going to be in heaven at that point, so I don't feel the need to dictate their goodbyes
49. What were you doing at 12 AM last night? Feeding the babe and watching Food Network
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? Is it really already morning?!
That was fun and now you know a little more about me - if you join in or have a similar get to know you post, comment with a link, so I can come by and get to know a little more about you!