Weight: 12.5lbs (11lb6oz - 90th %ile) Length: 22" (21" - 30-40th %ile)
In the last four weeks you've been busy:
- you rolled over from tummy to back (twice) when you were just three weeks old - but you haven't done it again since! I couldn't believe it and I might still question it if I hadn't watched you do it with my own eyes! I am amazed by how strong you are!
- you hold your head up for way longer than I think you should be able to
- you follow/track my voice and my finger as I move around you or from side to side
- you have gotten much, much better at nursing and I have to help hold you and the boob perfectly in place much less often than before - although we are having some issues with overactive let-down and you sometimes cough and choke - you are learning to control the flow much better though
- you've grown out of newborn clothes and are wearing 0-3 months exclusively, but you are still wearing your newborn cloth diapers but will be into the one-size soon (or a size one in a 'sposie)
- you've started sleeping one 5-6 hour stretch at night followed (or preceded) by a four hour stretch from the beginning of one feed to the next - this is very much appreciated by your mommy! Although a few nights, you have decided that 12-2 is party time, which is pretty rough on Mommy and Daddy both!
- you were really worrying us with your jaundice for the first week or so and you almost had to be admitted to the hospital to be put under the lights, but we nursed like crazy and prayed like crazy and your bilirubin levels dropped "like crazy" (way more than anyone expected) in the course of about 8 hours! Praise the Lord!
- Momma and Poppy babysat you while Mommy and Daddy had a much needed night out and you took your first bottle like a champ!
- you are starting to find your hands and will suck on them a little to help soothe yourself and you still have a hard time with the binky, but you've almost got it!
- you are starting to find your hands and will suck on them a little to help soothe yourself and you still have a hard time with the binky, but you've almost got it!
- your belly button stump is long gone and your circumcision is healing nicely (don't worry I won't talk about your junk here regularly!)
I love you sweet boy!