Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Blog Every Day in May: Day 22

Day 22, Wednesday: Rant about something. Get up on your soapbox and tell us how you really feel. (a pet peeve, a current event, a controversial topic, something your husband or roommate or neighbor or boss does that really ticks you off)


You know what drives me crazy - all the sponsored posts! I get that you want to make money on your blog - and sponsored posts that have something to do with your content - sure, occasionally, fine - a post telling me about some product I might like and giving it away - okay, every now and then - but it seems like a ton of blogs that I read (maybe it is actually 5-6) have suddenly started up with at least one sponsored post advertising something every week - and what's worse is they are all advertising the SAME products! In one week, I read at least five separate posts for a certain "green" cleaning product company - then the next week 3 posts for the same makeup company - then four for the same stroller - and now another couple for some teeth straighteners. The thing is none of these posts alone would be a problem - but they have all been piled on top of one another - and right after several other bloggers I read were constantly promoting the homemaker ebook bundle - which made a little more sense, since they youknow wrote the books! It just seems like over the last month less than 20% of what I've read from blogs - that I generally really like and whose content I enjoy - has actually been content that you youknow follow the blog for! And companies - it's overkill to have 7 bloggers who all have similar/the same audiences all promote your product - spread it out! Maybe it is just me, and I happen to read all the blogs who all happen to be getting together to promote these products, but I can't be the only one who reads across these same blogs - I found them somehow - so other people have to be reading more than one of them too!

Boo, now I feel like a jerk, because I really do like these blogs - and I want to read them for their stories and their regular content, and sure a sprinkling of sponsored posts is no big deal, but come on! It's been driving me crazy how many I've seen lately - I'm all for making a buck and maybe it's jealousy talking, but I don't think so - there has to be a way that you can make a little money with your blog, sell some content, without me reading a million straight-up commercials! I mean, isn't that why we all got DVRs - so we could skip the commercials! Anybody else feel like your favorite big bloggers are selling you a little too much? Miss the content that made them big bloggers in the first place?? I know I do!

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