Hello friends,
Is it okay if I call you that? I'm never really sure about that word, but that's what I'd like us to be, so we'll go with it.
Welcome, I'm so glad you are here, whether you follow along, stop by occasionally, or are just popping in for the first time today - I'm honored and thrilled that you took the time to take a little peek into our world - hopefully something you find here will inspire or encourage you or just give you someone/something to relate to and let you know that you are not in this life alone. I'd love for you to reach out and say hello whether by comments or email - I'd love to get to know you and your story and come to know how we can do this thing called life together - helping each other along the way! I'm not perfect - neither is my little family - and I don't expect you to be either - let's all just take life as it comes and always be striving to learn and grow together!
I've never been the friend who was very good at keeping in touch, or calling, or making plans to meet up - but I am the friend who will always and forever be there if you need me, no matter what. I am the friend who is always ready to pick up where we left off the last time this crazy life got in the way - because that's the reality of life, especially life with littles, it quickly consumes us and whatever is not requiring our direct attention often falls to the wayside - so, I'm sorry friends if I take too long to respond or if I comment less than I should or if sometimes it feels like I just don't care - because that is just not true - I love each and every one of you and I'm here for you if/when you need me, whether we have known each other for years or have just met. You are important to me, each and every one of you - and I'm sorry that I let busy get in the way of showing that!