Tuesday, May 21, 2013
36 weeks
Baby's size: Honeydew [about 18.5 inches, 5.8 lb.] - 6lb12oz at growth scan 2 weeks ago
How far along: 36 Weeks
Sleep: I mentioned this in my "struggles" post - I just can't seem to get to bed at a decent time! I really, really need to work on this and get it under control! This momma needs more sleep and I somehow doubt that Noah is going to make things any easier in that department!
Maternity Clothes: Barely fit - I'm constantly pulling up on bottoms and down on tops trying to keep this big ol' belly covered!
Food cravings: None to speak of - still loving the ice
Food aversions: No real aversions either - I like what I like and don't like what I don't like :)
Symptoms I HAVE: Still dealing with some heartburn, Braxton Hicks have been increasing, and even on meds I'm still dealing with moderate blood pressure issues
Doctor’s Appointment: It's worked really well the last few weeks having my appointments on Mondays and this post on Tuesdays - it's nice to have to doctor info fresh in my head to post! Anyway, not sure if I posted before about this but I'm GBS+ again - boo! So, have to get antibiotics in labor, but not that big of a deal - other than that the BPP was great and Noah is looking good in there and fluid levels have decreased to the normal range rather than the high normal - yay! - blood pressure was still mildly elevated at my appointment even on the meds, which doc doesn't like. It wasn't nearly as high as it has been, but it wasn't super great either - so, she said if it increases she isn't going to up my med dose - we will just induce sooner rather than later. The current plan is that I will come back this Friday (since Monday is a holiday) for another BPP and appointment and we will see where my blood pressure is and how favorable my cervix is (currently only dialated to a 1). If my BP's not good, then we will plan on an induction on 5/29. If BP seems stable, then I come back again for a BPP, growth scan, and an appointment on the next Friday, 5/31, and we are most likely looking at an induction on 6/5. Smallest possibility would be if BP looks okay/good and cervix isn't looking favorable and Noah doesn't seem to come on his own before then, there could be an induction date of 6/12 (our anniversary). At this point, I'm really not sure what to hope for! I would prefer for him to come on his own, when he is ready, but I also don't think that this blood pressure thing and the meds are really great for either one of us - and let's face it, I'm getting pretty uncomfortable at this point - but I just really don't want to push for something that will put him in distress, or create a need for a c-section, or end with Noah in the NICU because we made him come before he was ready! So, I'm starting the lots of walking and spicy foods and third trimester tea hoping to get that cervix ready and I'm really hoping that whenever she decides to schedule the induction - I go into labor on my own first - I'm not looking forward to pitocin and all that junk, but I'll do whatever I have to do to keep Noah safe! So, we'll see, but it doesn't look like there will be too many more of these updates!
Movement: He seems to be running out of room in there - he's still moving a lot, but not as much as before and not the big sweeping movements that we had before. More kicks and bumps and hiccups and less acrobatics.
Belly Button: Barely an innie - almost flat
Gender: Still a boy, he was flashing those boy parts all over the place during my BPP Monday!
Best moment of the week: Owen started swim lessons on Monday, and while the last two days he's pretty much just cried in the water and said "all done" the ENTIRE time - it's been so cute seeing him take this big boy step! And today he did a lot more than yesterday, so I can't wait to see how he develops over the summer! Although the commitment (ten minute one-on-one lessons M-F for 6 weeks) is going to be a lot going forward with Noah!
What I’m looking forward to: I'm really looking forward to having a plan for all of this. I just want to know what is going to happen and when - so I can prepare myself, so we can get my MIL down here to watch Owen, and just get everything ready for our new life. I know in general you never really know when baby is coming, but it is just making me really uneasy to have all of these "end dates" in sight that may or may not be looming! Especially since one of them is only 8 days away! If I am having this baby in 8 days or less I'd like to have some idea that it's coming, because otherwise it was supposed to be at least 2-3 more weeks and that's a big difference when you think about all the last minute stuff to do!
What I miss: A full meal! I'm starting to run out of room and I can't seem to eat much at all, so I'm starving every couple of hours! I suppose that most people complain about not being able to eat way earlier in pregnancy than this though, so I'm doing pretty good there!
{I borrowed the format for these entries from Eight Days a Week - who borrowed it from Finding Beauty in the Ordinary}
36 weeks
baby #2|N|pregnancy|
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