Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Because I can't say it better than this...

When the prevailing thinking is boys will be boys, girls will be garbage. This momma - she put the words just right. She said the things that I don't know how to say yet, but I will. It's a big responsibility bringing up boys to be men in this world today.

Owen, Noah, and any others that God has waiting for us dear sweet sons....the world is going to tell you that soo many things are okay that aren't. The world is going to tell you that you should do what feels good and what you want and that other people just have to deal - but that's not what real men do.

Real men, like your dad, and your grandpas, and so many others, they do what is right even when it is hard - they love ferociously and PROTECT their women and their girls. God made men to love and cherish and care for women, He made you bigger and stronger to protect us - never to pressure or hurt or take advantage. It's a much harder road to be a MAN, and furthermore to be a man like Jesus, than it is to be a boy, but the rewards are pretty great and it's worth it to grow up and be someone you and your family can be proud of.

I'm sure that I have done so many things wrong, and I will do so many more things wrong, but I NEED you to know that it is NEVER okay to stay silent when people are being hurt, it is NEVER okay to take advantage of someone else, and it is NEVER okay to blame a victim. The world is already not very welcoming to who we are and what we believe - they say that being like Jesus isn't cool or popular or something that you should bother with, but the world - the world is wrong - and there is nothing, absolutely nothing more important than being a man like Jesus.
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