How far along: 27 Weeks
Sleep: J flipped the mattress this week and it made a big difference - I'm not slipping off the edge of the bed anymore!
Maternity Clothes: All maternity all the time - or jammies :)
Food cravings: Guacamole - I'm usually a "take it or leave it" kinda girl when it comes to guacamole, but I'm LOVING it - had it the last two days in a row and I'm sure there will be more to follow - I found a big pack of this stuff at Costco and I'm sure it won't last long - Mmmm! Plus, avocados are super healthy - so "go Noah" on this one - way better than the chocolate chip pancakes and lemonade dreamsicles that I've been going crazy for the last few months (not that I don't still want both)!
Food aversions: None
Symptoms: Still dealing with heartburn and had to break out the Miralax this week - my digestive system has slowed way down, but at least I'm not constantly starving like I was for the last few weeks!
Doctor’s Appointment: We go back to the doc at the end of the month (28 weeks - THIRD trimester - WOOHOO!) - at that appt. I'll have my glucose test (Dear Lord...please no GD this time!) - check out that blood pressure (hopefully back to normal!) - check out the weight (hopefully 1lb or less gain over this 3 weeks - gained 8lbs in the last 2 months! eek!) - and all that jazz. Then after that we are on to doing appointments every TWO weeks! I can't even believe that we are already there!

Belly Button: Still an innie
Gender: Baby Boy
Best moment of the week: My momma has her trip to come out after Owen is born all planned out! I am soo excited! She and my dad are driving out 2 weeks after my due date and staying at an extended stay hotel - they'll both be here for a week, then dad will fly home for two weeks while mom stays (she works from home and can work anywhere), and then dad will fly back - they'll both be here for another week and then they'll drive home together! I am SOO thrilled that my momma will be here for an entire month to help me out with both boys! I know that this is a big expense for my parents and I super appreciate it! I'm so excited that Owen will have family here to love on him and give him special attention during this transition time!
What I’m looking forward to: J has a whole week off at the end of the month (we had to schedule vacations at the beginning of the academic year before we even got pregnant) - but anyway, we are going to stay at a local indoor waterpark hotel for a night and then over the Easter weekend, J's mom is coming and she's going to watch O overnight, so that we can have a full 24-hr date! (I still haven't been away from Owen overnight - and we wanted him to have practice going to sleep and waking up with grandma BEFORE having to do it for a few days followed by Mama and Daddy coming home with this "brother" thing we've been telling him about!
What I miss: Energy, still not falling asleep easily (especially when J isn't home) and staying up too late - even with O sleeping in now that the time changed - I'm still super tired and really doing an awful job keeping up with housework - we've watched a lot of cartoons on Netflix cuddled up on the couch this week - this momma needs to get her butt in gear - this isn't going to get any easier with two babies and nursing all night again - I need to make bedtime a priority (as I type this in the middle of the night) and I need to get myself into a good routine that I actually stick to so I can get things done around the house! It isn't fair that J comes home from working 12+ hour days and cooks dinner and cleans the house - I feel like a super crummy wife and mom!
{I borrowed the format for these entries from Eight Days a Week - who borrowed it from Finding Beauty in the Ordinary}