Thursday, March 28, 2013

28 weeks

This post is a few days late, because we have just been having soo much fun (and getting so much done) on our family stay-cation since Daddy is off work this whole week! 
Baby's size: Eggplant [about 14.8 in., 2.2 lb.] 

How far along: 28 Weeks

Sleep: Getting a little more difficult to get comfortable and starting to wake up for potty breaks more often - but Owen is doing MUCH better sleeping through the night and it seems like 4/5 days this week he slept in his own bed until 7 or 8am instead of his usual 4-6am wakeup that requires getting him back down in our bed!

Maternity Clothes: Yep, I'm probably going to have to put away the maternity pants that don't have full belly panels soon, shirts are just not being long enough and the pants with the low panel that goes under the belly just seem to constantly fall down! Hoping it warms up enough to start wearing some dresses and some of my summer maternity wear soon!

Food cravings: Haven't really noticed any cravings this week, but I have been snacking more! It seems like I'm hungry/eating all day everyday! Not good for limiting weight gain - I've been over calories almost every day!

Food aversions: Anything that's causing heartburn - so pretty much anything that is even slightly spicy, and eating or drinking too much of anything at one time!

Symptoms I have: Unfortunately this heartburn seems to be here to stay - I hate laying down and being instantly uncomfortable!

Doctor’s Appointment: I go to the OB on Friday for my last check-up before we start going every other week. I'll do the glucose test (prayers please!!!) and get to hear that lovely heartbeat again! I went to the Chiropractor on Wednesday. It was nice getting adjusted and having a little more flexibility!

Movement: Noah is quite the little mover and shaker - I can see him moving from the outside at least once pretty much every day at this point! It's crazy, I don't feel like you could see Owen's movements from the outside that often this early!

Belly Button: Innie

Gender: He's still a boy

Best moment of the week: J is on vacation this week (more of an update on that later - still enjoying it!) so we are loving spending all this time together as a family! We spent the night at a local resort with an indoor waterpark and it was the perfect respite from all this snow!

What I’m looking forward to: My MIL, Deb, will be getting here Friday afternoon and J and I are going to have a little babymoon, while Gma and Owen have a practice sleepover before Noah is on his way (it's my first night away from Owen since he was born!! But I really think this practice run will be good for him - going to sleep and waking up with Gma - instead of that happening for the first time with all the other changes that new baby brother will bring!

What I miss: Being able to see and reach to shave my legs, bikini area, etc! Showering is getting much more difficult! And having the energy to keep up with Owen and get things done! I feel like such a lazy bum, but I just can't keep up!

Hi Guys! I'm having so much fun with Daddy!

{I borrowed the format for these entries from Eight Days a Week - who borrowed it from Finding Beauty in the Ordinary}
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