Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Blog Every Day in May: Day 21

Challenge Day 21: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives

Well, my archives are not all that extensive, but I'm starting to build this little space up and I'm seeing development in my writing and in my confidence in how I express myself - so, while my "favorite" posts are not all that great - it was great to take a little time to look back through things and see my progress!

My very first post ever  on my original blog where I talked about how things were changing and the guilt of being a new momma! Then I whined a little about J's work schedule as we were trying to navigate life after maternity leave, but before I became a stay-at-home momma. Then, there are a few posts about how Owen has been responding to J's call schedule: here in my first post on this new blog kinda setting the stage and here when Owen showed that he's really starting to understand Daddy's job and how/why he doesn't come home. I also compared how Owen's been having some temper tantrums and how while I get frustrated with his responses that he really is responding a lot like his momma - oops! Finally, my last favorite is my post on the quiet book that I made for Owen - it isn't an amazing post or that awesome of a quiet book, but I worked really hard on it and I'm super proud of how it turned out!

I feel like these posts offer up a picture of who I am and the growth I've made over the last few years! What are your favorite posts? Share them - I'd love to get a better view of who you are and where you've been!

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