I could go deep with this one and talk about how much I miss my Grandma Joan - who is my only family member who has died - and I am still surprised years later by the waves of sadness and how much I can miss her on certain occasions - especially when I think of how she wasn't there to see me get married or to meet my babies. Or I could talk about how much I miss all of my living family back in the desert - because that is a more regular ache - but instead we are going to stick a little closer to home.
Right now, what I absolutely miss the most is the ability to keep up with Owen. The OB didn't give me any restrictions when I left the hospital, but I'm still trying to take it easy to help control my blood pressure and even beyond that, I am just wearing out so easily at this point in my pregnancy! Plus, even when I have some get-up-and-go - it is amazing the effort it takes at this point to actually get up and go! Just the act of getting up from the couch/chair/bed or trying to get myself situated or doing pretty much anything - is exhausting and hard. Let alone, trying to chase the kid around the park!
I'm really wondering how I'm going to pull this off for another 2-4 weeks!

I miss being able to control my body and move with ease! I "got" to spend 4 hours in the hospital again yesterday being monitored (that's twice in the hospital in 3 days!) after I tripped and landed right on my belly on a piece of playground equipment! Err! I hit 35 weeks tomorrow and as much as I know that Noah needs to keep cooking - and I remember how much I physically missed Owen after he was born and how far away he felt even in my arms - I really miss my body being my body (which it sorta still isn't while nursing - but still more my own than it is now!) How about you? Anyone else out there feeling the same way in those last weeks of pregnancy?