Friday, February 22, 2013

Five Minute Friday: What mama did...

I type, I backspace, I do exactly what you are not supposed to do with this whole 5 Minute Friday thing - I can't let go _ I can't not edit _ not try to get it right and perfect and say it the way I mean it instead of the way it comes out.

What my mama did...


She did everything - she always did everything and did it seamlessly. She stayed home and took care of me when I was little, she went back to work when I was in school - so that I could go to private school and we could have health insurance - she went back to college while I was in elementary school and while I remember her projects and being a part of a few - I don't remember her being distant or away from us like I remember my dad driving taxi cab and being gone. My mom, she was a constant presence. She worked at the church connected to my elementary school and she worked hard - changing jobs every few years, but always maintaining the stability for us even when she needed the change. I loved my daddy, but my momma - she did it all...she made the world spin and picked up the pieces when things went wrong. I think of all she accomplished while raising us and I'm flabbergasted. I have no idea how she did it - working full time, going to school full time (getting a 4.0) and raising 3 kids  -- while I struggle to stay-at-home and care for one toddler and pull of showering and keeping up with the laundry.

My mama...

She wasn't perfect, but she did it all and she did it well... and I'm not quite sure how she did it.

I just hope I can.

My boy and my momma
(Well, that was more like 15 than 5 - but it's a start for my first try - next time I'll set a timer)

Five Minute Friday
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