So, what happened? Owen took the tiniest of car naps after our nice morning and into the house walked Sir Cranky-pants. Ok, ok, cranky toddler we can handle that, but I couldn't get him down for a nap, because his girlfriend, A, was coming over in about 45 minutes, but I figured I'd get him down soon after. A was here for 10 minutes before her dad came back for her because practice got rained out (he coaches). Then SC (sir crankypants, remember?) was so far past cranky that he had throughly decided to boycott sleep. Tried to put him down for a nap about 4 times, unsuccessfully. Then on the way downstairs with said SC after one of such attempts, I fell down the last 3 steps holding the boy. He was fine, but I hurt my elbow, wrist, knee, etc. in the process and scared the already cranky baby! Followed by another hour or so of crankiness, nursing every five minutes, and general mayhem.
Eventually, I got him down, but not without climbing into the crib and cuddling with him 3 separate time - we'll talk about our newly developed sleep problems later - man, I miss the days when I could lay my tired but completely awake baby in the crib and have him smile at me as I walked away and then roll over and fall asleep!!!
The thing is, another day, another week, another month, I would have just whined and complained and "woe is me"d, but instead, I know that this entirely an attack of the devil and I'm not going to let him steal my joy! You hear that, haha, Devil, you can't have my JOY! I had a great morning, and I had a hard afternoon, and my husband didn't come home that night, but none of that changed God's provision and grace in my life! There's Sir Crankypants crying again, after a nap that wasn't nearly long enough, but instead of letting the frustration build and getting cranky right back, I'm going to love on him, because that's what we all need when we're upset, someone to love on us anyway - and that's what God has done for me at my crankiest!