Of the last 5 weekends, J has been on call during 4 of them. Friday/Sunday call; one weekend on, one off, two on...so this upcoming weekend is the first in what seems like forever that we will actually have J around. With Friday/Sunday call, he goes into work on Friday morning, arriving home somewhere between 9am-1pm depending on what is going on that morning, traffic, and stops he needs to make on his way home. He is of course tired, but usually powers through to spend the afternoon/day with us unless it was a particularly rough night. Then he's back at work early Sunday morning and home again around the same time Monday - Monday's are less likely to be early ones with him getting home in time for lunch rather than breakfast. Then we go trudging on into a normal work week - so it doesn't really feel like a "break" for any of us.
Anyway, on to the excitement, we are so anticipating a real live weekend that we feel like we
have need to do something big and momentous and exciting - regular weekends have become to us what holiday weekends must feel like in other homes - we marvel at the concept of an evening followed by two entire days of family togetherness. So, of course, that naturally moved to ROAD TRIP! We considered all directions since we're pretty much in the middle of the country there are a variety of things 5-10 hours away in any direction. Unfortunately, there aren't all that many weekend trips that are toddler friendly at the last minute. So, we are headed up North to see the in-laws...and it was actually MY idea! Can you believe it? J couldn't. I've been feeling a little lonesome for family time, since in the desert we saw my family pretty much every other week...and now they are a 3 day drive away, but the in-laws are only 7 hours away (longer with Owen - but it's supposed to be 6 1/2 hrs).
So, wish us luck - it's going to be a whirlwind - driving Friday night, a day and 1/2 in the north land, and hurrying back home before bedtime Sunday night! Better get back to packing, daddy's on call and I don't want to waste any time when Owen is asleep!
And just for some final cuteness - that's my boy - playing outside - in
the rain - in a diaper & a sock - I mean come on "where
is that boy's mother?" |