Hey Stinky Pete,
Here a few things you currently love and hate (just a little).

You aren't too sure about your new "big boy" carseat! Soon enough you'll love it, but for now you don't like change much. You have a different one in Mommy and Daddy's car and you keep looking out the sides - I think you miss the security and coziness of your infant carrier - but baby boy you barely fit in that thing anymore - especially if you were in some of your bulkier cloth diapers - premium prefolds! You are getting soo big - over 20 pounds and about 26 inches long (I think)! Mommy could barely carrier that big heavy carseat with you in it!
"Baby Pools" (i.e. dog dishes!) - You are loving finding the dog dish and splashing around in that water! (and maybe eating a few kernels of dog food if mommy doesn't catch you quickly enough!) I can't wait to see how you do in the pool this summer! It's supposed to hit 100 (it's mommy's rule to never go in the pool before the first 100 degree day) this week and we already found you a great new swimsuit - so we just need some new cloth swim diapers and we'll be ready to go! Last summer we weren't allowed in the pool after you were born until it was too cold to swim - so mommy is really excited!
Eating everything and anything! You are a little chowhound! You love fruits, veggies, meat, and pretty much anything that we eat. You are fast too! If we aren't looking for just a second - you swipe food right off our plates and steal big gulps out of our straws! One of your favorite foods is cauliflower and you plow through puffs and baby "cheetos" like it was going out of style - a handful at a time! We have to spread your food out on the table to make you pick up less of it at a time! You're doing pretty well with you pincer grasp but don't think it's fast enough so quickly revert to grabbing as much as you can in your palms! You're still nursing when we are together and drinking about one 6 oz bottle of breastmilk while I'm at work (you'd probably have more, but pumping isn't going as well as it used to)! And you can probably guess why I'm calling you "stinky pete" - cauliflower is not so nice coming out the other end!
You've also started "talking" up a storm! You consistently say "dada" now and think that's everyone's name - although you are starting to use it more on the guys - Daddy, Poppy, and your Uncle J. You are babbling about everything and you use such fabulous intonation that sometimes we swear you're really talking to us! But obviously, I don't have any pictures of that one! I'll try to remember to take some video soon!
Baby boy - you are soo loved! I can't get over how much fuller my life is now that you are in it! I'm so thrilled to be your mommy and I can't wait to see what's coming next!