Friday, April 20, 2012

notes for the next

This will be a series of notes to myself to help me remember what this point in time was like, what I'd like to do differently, what I'd like to do the same, and anything else I'm just not sure I'll remember but think I'll need to know next time!
  • Know that every moment is precious and fleeting
  • Record all the milestones no matter how small (you forget things far too fast)
  • Take more pregnancy photos...that belly is amazing - no matter how self-conscious you'll regret not having more to look back on
  • Cuddling your newborn is never bad - before you know it he'll be a busy baby then boy who never slows down!
  • Admit that you need your baby as much as he needs you - embrace it
  • Be on the same page with hubby - be clear and explicit - don't just assume you think the same things
  • Stop worrying all the time that you'll do something wrong - you WILL do lots of somethings wrong - be ready for that to happen, to pick up the pieces, fix it, and move on. 
  •  STOP wishing your life away - the next moments come soon enough - embrace these moments - this time - because it will never come back 
  • Listen to your heart - God gave you wisdom - use it, listen to others with a critical ear and pray about it - don't just get disheartened and assume you're wrong because you aren't doing what it typical
  • Smile more - love more - be more
  • Spend less time with technology and more with your family
  • The world will not implode if you let go and let J do some things so you can take a shower, a nap, work out, etc. 

 And one with a pic to finish this first one off right:
Remember this time
Remember how worth it all this little guy is and has been since before you could even hold him - since he was only yours and the you literally were his whole world - his home, his life, his everything - know that his life is all about slowly widening that gap between his being and yours and that's ok - it's right - it's how it should be - but no matter what else happens - you are his MOMMY and always will be - it all comes back to this. (It's amazing the parallels that come to mind between being his mommy and God being my Daddy - but that's another post entirely. It's just so amazing to me that if my wicked, damaged, earthly being can love so much as a mother, how much deeper and fuller the love God has for us, his children, must be! Thank you, Lord, that I get to be your daughter and that my son gets to be your son!)

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