Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Blog Every Day in May: Day 15

Day 15, Wednesday: A Day in the life (include photos from throughout your typical day - this could be "a photo an hour" if you'd like)

Well, our days these days are anything but typical - as we're spending 70-80% if the day cuddled up on the couch to keep icky blood pressures away, but today we have a lot going on, so here we go - hopefully I don't overdo it and end up getting in trouble at my BP check this afternoon!

Wednesday, May 15

4:13am - Peeing in a bucket and stickin' it in the fridge! What a glamorous way to start the day! Finishing up my 24hr urine collection to check again for protein - gotta make sure these high blood pressures are not turning into pre-eclampsia.
5:09am - Owen is crying, go pick him up and bring him back to our bed to cuddle - both back to sleep!
8:53am - finishing up the 24hr urine collection at 9 - so last pee in the bucket and head back to bed, but I spill my giant water cup all of over the floor and wake Owen up - he has a stuffy nose and doesn't sound great! He pouts for a few minutes, but by 8:58 - he's found Chicken Dance Elmo and is happily bopping along to the music and ready for a diaper change! - Owen is already hiding in the pillows and saying "camra" "pi-chur" "no" - this is going to be a long day!

9:15am - Owen cuddles under the covers and watches a little Jake, while mommy gets ready for the day, then it's time to "bruch" and we have to have our "vi-ma-mins"

9:30am - Downstairs - potty break for the doggies and breakfast time for us - as we were heading out the door Owen coughed up some boogers and we had to whip out the "bot-bot" and Owen was of course as enthralled as ever!

9:45-10:30am - Off the the doctor - drop off urine and have blood drawn - woohoo!

10:40-11:45am - Head off the the park for 20 minutes before Owen has to be trapped again at the Chiropractor! This day has already been crazy and it isn't even lunchtime yet - Owen is not amused!

11:45-2pm - Dairy Queen drive-thru for lunch - followed by naptime, laundry and blood pressure check for mom - it's looking a little high - getting a little worried for my appointment!

 *At this point things got a little crazy so the rest of the day had only a few pics and all gets shoved into one collage*

2:15pm - Snacktime and a little time to play outside before we head back to the OB at 3.
3pm - BP worse than it's been and we get sent to L&D AGAIN (except Daddy is at work this time! oh no!) Owee was great and hung out eating gummies - we had to stay in L&D with blood pressure checks and fetal monitoring, while they waited for the results of my 24hr urine and blood tests from this morning (which hadn't been ordered STAT). Daddy rushed over from work.
4:45pm -  My results were back - urine negative for protein, so still no pre-eclampsia for this momma - and I was released with a prescription for blood pressure medicine!  This was followed by a trip to the pharmacy - a ladybug friend hitching a ride on my toe and car naps for Owen!
6pm - Mom's night out! I thought I'd be missing out on my mom's night out dinner tonight with my fellow pregnant momma's in the area, but I was released just in time to make it! J took Owen home and I was able to enjoy some mama time and some super yummy BBQ!
9:30pm - Back home, Owen is asleep and I get to work editing photos and getting this blog post together!

11pm - Finally finished and ready for bed!

How was your day? Was it as eventful as mine?? I'm ready for a nice calm day tomorrow and hoping these blood pressure meds do their job so this baby can hang out for a while longer! I don't know about you, but I'd really rather go into labor naturally than induce - and if things don't get under control I know that's coming (as it was actually a possibility today!)

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