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And because J is of course on call and this is already late - you get a lovely iPhone bathroom selfie! Can't get any classier than that! |
During my ultrasound at (23 weeks this little guy measured in at 1lb8oz so he's probably even a little bigger than that now!
How far along: 25 Weeks
Sleep: Much better since I started going to the Chiropractor! It takes a little while, but with my "snoogle" pillow I can eventually get comfortable and sleep pretty well - at least until Owen ends up in our bed and tries to sleep on my face!
Maternity Clothes: Been wearing all maternity pants for what seems like forever now - but some of my tank tops are starting to show my belly so it looks like I need to stick with just maternity tops now too :(
Food cravings: None really, although I did go through half a gallon of Rocky Road this week....mmmm!
Food aversions: Not really any aversions either - although J ate some lobster ravioli tonight and I could hardly sit across the table from him - those things really grossed me out and I couldn't even smell them it was just the thought
Symptoms I HAVE: starting to get some heartburn at night and after spicy foods - not too bad yet, but other than that feeling pretty good
Doctor’s Appointment: Next one is 3/6 - should talk with doc some more about the results of our ultrasound with the Peri - and probably do the GD test - I really, really don't want to end up with it again this time and I'm starting to get a little scared about the test!
Movement: he's moving around like crazy - only seen/felt movement from the outside a few times, but I'm feeling him a least a few times every day now!
Belly Button: Still an innie - but getting a little shallower
Gender: Baby Boy - we were planning on a surprise, but the perinatologist accidentally let me see the "goods"
Best moment of the week: Owen started giving kisses to "baby Noah," "listening" to Noah's heart with his toy stethoscope, and pointing at my belly when we ask where Noah is - oh and officially reaching "viability" - if anything were to happen - they would at least try to help of Noah!
What I’m looking forward to: A glass of wine - oooh and an Italian BMT from Subway - I just don't trust them to get it fully heated up
What I miss: Being able to carry Owen for more than 10 minutes without being exhausted and desperate to put him down!
{I borrowed the format for these entries from Eight Days a Week - who borrowed it from Finding Beauty in the Ordinary}