So, this was supposed to go up on Monday, but after some misadventures with the toddler, Daddy's laptop has been out of commission and Mommy was too distracted trying to fix it to remember this post sitting by waiting to go up! Better late than never - and soon to be followed up with the craziness that O has caused this week - clearly making all kinds of developmental leaps and mischief!
How far along: 26 Weeks
Sleep: getting some of that preg-somnia I struggled with last time, I am super tired, but I just lay in bed, tossing and turning, or else I get caught up watching stupid tv or reading junk online until super late - this momma needs some sleep!
Maternity Clothes: yep
Food cravings: I am generally super picky about avocados and rarely want/like them, but J had a burger with guacamole on it the other day and since I tasted it, I've been desperate for like a vat of guac, but haven't found any to get that I'm sure I'll like!
Food aversions: aversion or craving...hmm well I can't say this is really an aversion because I constantly crave it, but this girl really really needs to stop eating spicy foods - it HURTS!
Symptoms I have: can you say HEARTBURN - eek, so bad after my spicy burger Sunday! Also the trouble sleeping, fatigue/wearing out quicker than usual, lots of peeing, and starting to get some of the midback pain that my chiro warned me might be coming as I got bigger :( boo!
Doctor’s Appointment: Had an appt. on Wednesday - talked a little more about the ultrasound and it sounds like things are good - sticking with 6/17 for the due date - and talked a little about travel restrictions/ideas/plans/okays. Looks like things are going well with Noah in there - I go again in 3 weeks and take the GD test - kinda scared - and then I start appointments every two weeks! Eek! This is going fast!
Movement: This week I'm starting to feel some of those big fluid movements and also being able to feel parts of Noah from the outside - like the shoulder that was pushing out the side of my belly the other night and then him flipping over and scooting into my back because we kept poking him because we were so excited that we could feel a part of him!
Belly Button: Innie
Gender: Boy
Best moment of the week: Hearing Noah's heartbeat at the doctor's on Wednesday! Can't get enough of that!
What I’m looking forward to: We are going out to dinner tonight with the new fellow for next year and, I think, his wife - sans toddler - should be really nice to spend some time out with J and other adults eating yummy food and actually paying attention to the conversation!
What I miss: eating jalepenos without wanting to cry afterwards!!!
{I borrowed the format for these entries from Eight Days a Week - who borrowed it from Finding Beauty in the Ordinary}
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