Well, this one is a little hard for me, because while there are lots of blogs and bloggers I love - most/all of them have no clue who I am - because I'm a lurker - I don't mean to be, but I just can't seem to keep up with all of the various pieces of social media - I'm starting to try to make connections and leave comments and all of that, but it's hard to get into the habit, and it's scary too, because what if these bloggers I like don't like me back and they decide they are way too cool to want to connect with me and then I'm the hanger-on and that's worse than the lurker! If I'm just in the corner peeking in, you can't reject me - I promise I'm not scary and creepy - I'm just scared that you won't let me in the group! (Yea. I'm totally 12 and pathetic, even online)
Anyway, I can't and won't write some big loving ode to anyone, because I don't know anyone well enough, nor do I feel like anyone knows me back (and I really feel like both of those are required to call someone a friend). But, I will share a few of the blogs that I love to read and always jump to first in my BlogLovin' feed -
- Kayse - Kayse is the one blogger who I actually have somewhat connected with, as we have done about 3 online Bible studies together - although neither one of us has done very well keeping up with this last one - but we are both preggers and I'm going to give us a pass on that one - both the first trimester (her) and the third (me) are pretty rough and some things just slip right off the agenda for things like food and sleep and overall feeling crummy! I love how sweet and encouraging that Kayse always is and I can really relate to her in so many ways - faith, former teachers, somewhat hopeless homemakers, and trying really hard to always better ourselves for our families and God's glory! I love how real and honest she is with that struggle!
- Mandy - is a super cute boy mom to two little guys and she is always so sweet - I love watching her boys and looking forward to what mine will be like soon! It seems like she was just pregnant, so I know soon enough I'll be watching my little guy chasing his big brother around and thinking back to this time being pregnant wondering how it could have passed so quickly!
- Erin - another boy mom and I love that she shares so much of her faith - and again I love watching the brothers grow and develop together - and I'm picking up all the tips I can before my life with two crazy boys (well, three if you count their dad, which I probably should!) starts!
- There are tons of other blogs that I read and enjoy, but these three mamas and their kiddos always make my heart smile - even if they don't know it - I'm also starting to connect with lots of great people connected to the medical world through Your Doctor's Wife's Medical Monday linkup and when I actually get around to it Lisa Jo's 5 Minute Fridays. I love that both of these places allow me to find others in similar positions and make connections - I need to work harder at building those connections and following up, but I'm just getting started and it's hard stepping out of those lurker shadows - but I'm doing it and I really hope that by pushing myself this way, I can make some real connections - so that next time, I can shout from the rooftops about my amazing blogger friend - instead of quietly whispering about being a fan of these ladies!