Tuesday, May 14, 2013

35 weeks

Baby's size: Coconut [about 18.2 in., 5.25 lb.] - 6lb12oz last week during the growth ultrasound - so I'm guessing at least 7 now!

How far along: 35 Weeks

Sleep: meh

Maternity Clothes: finally warm enough for skirts a few days this week - shirts are barely covering my belly anymore!

Food cravings: none

Food aversions: none

Symptoms I HAVE: heartburn, millions of potty breaks, high blood pressure

Doctor’s Appointment: well, this will be a long one - after my appointment last Monday I did a 24hr urine collection to check for protein and blood tests - they all looked good, but I was supposed to have a BP check Wednesday (but my doc was in surgery - so it was pushed to Thursday with another doc). On Thursday, my BP was even higher than on Monday and doc #2 decided I needed to be sent over to L&D for monitoring - BP stayed pretty high and doc #3 decided to keep me overnight for observation - in the morning after all the labs and monitoring - my doc determined that based on my labs all being good that I only have gestational hypertension and we need to watch it carefully, but essentially not do much as of right now - although we probably will end up inducing (not sure when yet). So, until then weekly appointments and BPPs (bio-physical profile - special ultrasound) - today was the first, BPP was great but my blood pressure was even higher than it's been - so doing another 24hr urine collection and another blood pressure check scheduled for Wednesday. Oh, and on top if everything else, I tripped and fell at the park and hit my stomach on a piece of playground equipment on Saturday so I got to spend another  4hrs in the hospital on monitors getting Noah checked out - which he was completely fine and I just felt stupid and embarrassed for falling and wasting our Saturday after already messing up the week with my prior hospital visit - and don't even get me started on what I'm sure are the impending bills from all of this! That's enough to get anyone's blood pressure on the rise!

Movement: This kiddo isn't stopping for anyone! When I was in the hospital, he moved so much while we were on the monitors that they had to come in every ten minutes or so to reposition things to keep him on the monitor! Silly boy!

Belly Button: Innie

Gender: Baby Boy

Best moment of the week: when the nurse removed my IV - I HATE IVs!

What I’m looking forward to: holding this kiddo in my arms and not having everyone constantly worried about me anymore!

What I miss: the freedom of being healthy - this whole blood pressure thing is really bumming me out!

{I borrowed the format for these entries from Eight Days a Week - who borrowed it from Finding Beauty in the Ordinary}
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