Baby's size: Cantaloupe [about 17.7 in., 4.73 lb.] - or in Noah's case 6lb12oz according to our ultrasound yesterday! Eeek!
How far along: 34 Weeks
Sleep: So-so - my hips seem to have loosened a little making turning over easier and J was gone most of the week, so that made it easier to sprawl out on the bed and get comfortable - still have a million potty breaks each night though!
Maternity Clothes: Same issues - still making things work, but it snowed this week and rained for days - no closer to getting me into my summer maternity skirts and dresses, which would definitely be a little more comfy! Hopefully, this crazy Midwest weather is done messing around and it will warm up - I mean come on it MAY - although forecast for this week has rain Wednesday through Friday!
Food cravings: I've been eating lots of carbs - waffles, bagels, bread, etc. and moving more towards like 5-6 small meals a day instead of a few big ones - but no real cravings.
Food aversions: None, although cooking this weekend the raw chicken did gross me out a bit!
Symptoms I HAVE: still dealing with back pain, heartburn, and wearing out quickly - I'm thinking there here for the duration - also started up with lots of Braxton Hicks and some more significant contractions in the evenings - this is starting to get real - Noah is going to be here soon!
Doctor’s Appointment: Well, I should have known what I was asking for professing something like my post yesterday about things always going wrong when J is gone - I always underestimate the power if my words! Anyway, I went to my appt. alone with Owen while J was working - knowing it would be a little bit of a long one since I had a sonogram first - O went down for his nap a little late, so I had to wake him up to leave for the appt after only an hour of sleep; however, even with that he did surprisingly well! At the OB, we got in for the sonogram fairly quickly, but Noah was sleeping and not being very responsive- after moving too much during every other ultrasound! We finish up and move on to the appt - somehow I'm up 2 1/3 pounds since I left the house - but anyway, we get to the room and I try to settle Owen in and I'm a little flustered - the nurse decides to come back for my blood pressure - so we settle and in she comes about 2-3 minutes later - she takes me BP doesn't say what it is but asks how it was in my pregnancy with Owen - hmm, not a good sign. Anyway, in comes doc and she doesn't have my sono results yet, but wants to recheck my BP - again...not good. She checks it again and lets me know it's high - not super high, but not good either and then gets my sono results - she lets me know his current size and sees some note she isn't sure of and runs off to check it out - when she came back she seemed a little more concerned (I'm guessing the note was that he wasn't being very active) and talks about the BP and how we want to do blood work and a non-stress test and a 24hr urine catch (even though there wasn't any protein in my urine that they had just taken) and wants me to come back Wednesday to check BP again - so she seemed more than a little worried, which of course makes me at least a little worried. So, I set Owen up with the iPad and snacks on each side of his umbrella stroller and they strap me into the NST - and of course this is the time J isn't at my appt to help! - so during the 20 minute NST - Owen managed to spill his entire pack of fruit snacks on the floor as he tried to pick it up and was devastated for his "gummies" and I could do nothing to help and he dropped the iPad on the floor two separate times (it was less than a foot and more slid off his lap so no damage, but I couldn't move to get it back for him and he was strapped into a stroller) sooo it was less than pleasant. Then we had to head over to the lab for the blood draw! This kid was amazing for an appointment that ending up being almost 2 hours and trapped him into a stroller! NST looked good - urine is now turned in - will check BP again tomorrow - here's hoping this is not the beginnings of pre-eclampsia!
Movement: I can definitely tell things are getting a little tight in there - Noah still loves to stick his butt out on the right side of my belly button and drive me crazy - but he's also moving and grooving in there a lot too - it's really cool to be able to see a lot of his movements from the outside at this point!
Belly Button: Almost flat, but still an innie
Gender: Baby Boy
Best moment of the week: J coming home from his conference late Sunday night!
What I’m looking forward to: I'm looking forward to some time together with J and Owen this afternoon with J post-call! We really missed daddy!
What I miss: I miss ease of movement - you know standing up, sitting down, getting in/out of bed! It feels like everything takes so much effort and like my body is ready to fall apart - if this is what it feels like to be old - I'm so not looking forward to it!
{I borrowed the format for these entries from
Eight Days a Week - who borrowed it from
Finding Beauty in the Ordinary}