Sorry this is soo late, each new week of my pregnancy starts on Mondays and I usually post these updates in Tuesday so we have an extra day to get a picture - but J left this morning for a conference, so the last few days have been a little crazy preparing for that and blogging, just didn't happen!
Baby's size: Durian [about 17.2 in., 4.23 lb.] - this almost lines up with what Noah measured almost a month ago - hehe
How far along: 33 Weeks
Sleep: Getting worse - harder to get comfy and harder to change positions and it seems like I have to get up for a potty break every hour all night :( at this point it seems like I'll sleep more with a newborn in the house than I do with him in my belly!
Maternity Clothes: This big ol' belly of mine is starting to poke out of a lot of my maternity shirts - and weather is not cooperating to get me into sundresses - the forecast says 3-5 inches of snow tomorrow and 1-2 Friday - I'm not a fan of this Midwest weather! It is May for crying out loud!
Food cravings: I've been loving green beans lately, I always love them, but I've wanted them enough to make them much more often - so that's a good one!
Food aversions: none - but J is on a diet and had tuna for dinner the other day and I almost died - I've always hated even the smell of tuna, but it was just awful!
Symptoms I HAVE: I'm getting restless, more trouble sleeping, and still dealing with some heartburn - I also started having some Braxton hicks contractions this week and Noah has this one favorite spot that I know I've mentioned and it really feels like he is going to rip his way through my belly - I have an ever expanding stretch mark right in this one spot and it hurts soo bad when he hangs out there - which he'll do for at least an hour every day - that is my only new stretch mark though so that's good - and I had a tiny bit of swelling one night and it just reminded me how glad I am that I'm not dealing with that like last time!
Doctor’s Appointment: I went to the doctor on Friday and based on fundal height I'm measuring about 4 weeks ahead - so doc wants more ultrasounds (1/mo) to keep track of growth and fluid levels - and she mentioned the possibility of a c-section if she/we think he's too big. I really, really don't want a c-section, so I'm hoping things balance out or this guy comes a little early (not too early, but 8 or 9 pounds sounds a lot better than 10!) I go back next Monday for another ultrasound and check up to see how things are going!
Movement: Not sure how he still has enough room, but this guy is still moving and grooving! He loves to stretch out and it is crazy feeling how big he is from all sides of my belly!
Belly Button: Innie
Gender: Baby Boy

What I’m looking forward to: J coming home Sunday night! Five/six days without daddy while 8 months pregnant is a bit much!
What I miss: I miss going out in public and not having people comment on how I'm "ready to pop" or that this baby is coming "any day now" - it is really disheartening to have to answer that I still have 7 weeks left and then have people question if I'm having twins, etc. I measured ahead with Owen too, but my belly wasn't this big this early and I was swollen all over - so I probably just looked more fat overall rather than giant bellied!
{I borrowed the format for these entries from Eight Days a Week - who borrowed it from Finding Beauty in the Ordinary}