How far along: 32 Weeks
Sleep: Pretty good, we took the memory foam topper off of our mattress and it is MUCH easier to change positions and get up and down to go to the bathroom, so I'm able to fall back asleep when I get up much more quickly
Maternity Clothes: Of course - I have a few items like the top in these pictures that work as maternity tops - when they really are tunics and I can't wait for it to warm up enough to start wearing my maxi dresses again!
Food cravings: No specific cravings although today I did eat 6 eggo waffles with butter and syrup - I haven't had an eggo in 6-8 months and I ate two and wanted more and then another 2 and wanted more - ten would just be ridiculous, so I guess I better choose something else when I venture into the kitchen after this post!
Food aversions: Pretty much the same as always - everything gives me heartburn, but I still like the normal foods and don't like the normal foods
Symptoms I HAVE: HeartBURN - waking up in the middle of the night and burping stomach acid :( and starting to feel heavy - Noah is pushing down in my pelvis and it's getting a little uncomfortable - plus with measuring big, I just feel huge and I don't know how much more room there is for this baby! I'm starting to worry about making it to term!
Doctor’s Appointment: Headed to the doctor on Friday - weight check, check on Noah, etc. We are on appointments every two weeks now, and last time I saw someone else since my doctor didn't have any appointments that worked with ultrasounds - so it will be nice to actually see my own doctor and get her opinion on this big boy and what happens from here!
Movement: Noah is a mover and a shaker - he is go-go-go all the time! This kid is going to come out chasing his brother and keeping up with all the craziness that Owen brings to life - I can't wait to see these boys together! Noah also picks this one spot about two inches to the right of my belly button to stick his butt out and sleep for an hour or so every evening and it HURTS sooo badly! I actually watched a stretch mark form in that spot the other day! Craziness! Clearly there is something he likes about that spot though, because he spends a lot of time right there pushing that little booty out - I joke that he's trying to burrow his way out Aliens-style!
Belly Button: Innie, but getting flatter - never popped out with Owen, but then again I wasn't this big with Owen!
Gender: Boy-by
Best moment of the week: On Sunday, we were invited over to a friend's house to try some real south Indian food - it was super yummy - although I was super worried about my manners the whole time - as another friend told me to only eat with my right hand (I'm a lefty) and that we weren't supposed to use utensils - I failed on both counts, I ate a lot with my hands, but not everything, and I just couldn't make my right hand work well enough to eat with it without making a huge mess and getting only a tiny bit in my mouth :( - like a toddler - oh well! It was delicious and super fun anyway - hopefully I didn't offend our host!
What I’m looking forward to: Hearing Noah's heartbeat again Friday, and I've been working with our budget and I'm thinking we can work it out to make J's conference this fall into a family vacation -it's going to take some scrimping and saving all summer, but I'm getting excited about the prospect of our first vacation as a family of four - now to just STICK to the budget!
What I miss: I would really like to be able to get in and out of the bed/couch/car/chair whatever else without it taking Herculean effort! Owen keeps bounding up from placing and grabbing my hand pulling saying "come, come, come" and I have to bumble and strain and go crazy to get up - it's hard for a little boy to be patient with that 20 times a day! (Oh and a little explanation of the pic above - we were struggling to figure out a place to take my picture this week - lighting is so bad in this place at night! - so J had the great idea that I should lay down and the hardwood floor would make a pretty background...yea, that worked out well, I humored him and laid down but couldn't stop laughing - and he takes one picture and goes "oh, yea, that doesn't look like you are standing" - REALLY? LOL! Then he says, "well, they did that with Owen's pcitures and it looked really good!" - "you mean his newborn pictures?" - "yea" - umm ok! - definitely in the running for the best moment of the week - artistic photographer he is not!)
{I borrowed the format for these entries from Eight Days a Week - who borrowed it from Finding Beauty in the Ordinary}