Tuesday, April 9, 2013

30 weeks

Those things down there...they are called feet right? I almost forgot I had those!

Baby's size: Cabbage [about 15.7 in., 2.9 lb.]

How far along: 30 Weeks

Sleep: Heartburn, countless pee breaks, and muscle aches - ie. sleep is not going so well right now

Maternity Clothes: YEP

Food cravings: not really, just soo relieved to not have GD and to not have to constantly think about food and when/what I am eating next and how much of it and so on and so on

Food aversions: none

Symptoms I HAVE: heartburn, pregsomnia, fatigue, wearing out super fast, muscle aches for days after doing things I wouldn't normally question (we went to the zoo and then a walk the next day this week and my legs are still sore 4 days later!) - realized this week that by this time with Owen I was already super swollen all the time, so very grateful to not be dealing with that one!

Doctor’s Appointment: We head in on Friday for an ultrasound to check out why I'm measuring ahead and an appt with one of the midwives (there weren't any times that lined up with my doc for an ultrasound that J could attend) - I still maintain that they have my due date a week off and I'm actually due 6/12 not 6/17 - and Owen was on the bigger end especially for being born at 38w4d (8lb4oz) - so I think they have the dates off and I have a big boy, but we'll see what they say Friday.

Movement: This kid moves like crazy - mostly I'll get my kick counts in less than 10 minutes - he has his sleepy times too, but when he's going - he's really going!

Belly Button: Innie

Gender: Baby Boy

Best Worst moment of the week: Not sure what to call the highlight of the week - Owen's fall just sort of overshadows the rest of the week - truly the worst and scariest moment of my life - I am just so grateful that he is okay and everything turned out so well!

What I’m looking forward to:  Getting some energy back, and not sure what happened to my body strength, but I'd like that back too - I feel super, super weak and pathetic - I want to be able to be part of things, and carry things, etc. - but I guess I need to give myself a break and remember that I am carrying Noah 24/7 and lighten the load otherwise.

What I miss: Keeping up

{I borrowed the format for these entries from Eight Days a Week - who borrowed it from Finding Beauty in the Ordinary}

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