Noah's Arrival - Part 1 - Preface
Monday night, 5/27, J was on call
for the Memorial Day holiday (and most everyone else was out of town) and at
about 6:30 in the evening I was feeling kinda crummy and weird, so I
checked my BP and I didn't write it down, so I've forgotten it now, but it was
pretty darn high, so I called up J and he told me I had to call the OB, who
told me that I needed to come in to be monitored. I called J back and he
started trying to make arrangements to leave the hospital and he told me to
plan on taking Owen over to my friend L's house to spend the night -
because most likely they would be inducing that night with the high BP, since I
was 37 weeks that day.
I packed up our things and brought
O over to L's house by about 8 and I had a really hard time leaving him, not
sure if I would see him again before having Noah or not - and really not ready
to say goodbye to being just Owen's mom. But, I pulled myself away and drug
myself in to L&D to get checked out. It took another hour for J to get
there, and meantime my BP was steadily remaining high, 160s/100s, but Noah
looked great on the monitors and I was contracting fairly frequently - J and I
were sure that it was only a matter of hours before we would be starting an
induction. Yet, after 4 hours in triage, we got word that they were sending me
home, that I was only dialated to a 1 even with all the contractions, and I
needed to do a 24hr urine catch to be sure that this still wasn't
We gathered up our things, a little
disappointed to once again be leaving the hospital with high/dangerous BPs and
no baby. It felt like we constantly "crying wolf" and J kept ditching
out of work only to go back and say "still no baby." Although, you
really can't ignore blood pressure as high as mine was and there is no way that
J wouldn't come if I needed to be in the hospital. So, at midnight I went to
pick up O from L's house (where he hadn't slept at all - eek soo sorry L!) and
J went to get us some food. We converged at home and got to bed some time after
one a little disappointed, but glad that Noah and I were both stable and ready
to wait until my induction the next week.
To be continued...